Possibly the most comprehensive program that will help you create a brilliant Digital Product Creation MASTER PLAN so that you can stop second-guessing yourself and create products that will SELL!

Let me help you ditch the confusion and guide you through a step-by-step system to gain new-found confidence on having a clear understanding of what digital products to create for your audience that will help you build a thriving and profitable business !
Get instant access with a one-time fee of $397 or 4 x $100 monthly payments
Through a recent survey conducted with my community, an overwhelming majority of the 300 responses indicated their desire to learn more about digital product creation.
The results didn’t come as surprising to me.
Because the only way to make money from your online business is to SELL SOMETHING.
“But I could make money from running ads on my blog!” Someone might say.
That is true.
But in order to have a decent income that isn’t at the mercy of Google’s algorithms (or anyone else’s), you have to create your own products to sell.
The good news is, there are many different types of digital products that you can create and sell without worrying about keeping physical inventory at home.
After all, you must have had experience buying various digital products, too!
Every time you felt compelled to buy something from someone, have you thought of how you NEED the product, how you WANT the product, and how it’s the PERFECT solution to the problems you are dealing with?
And THAT is exactly how you want YOUR audience to think when they see the products you have created for them!
From personal use printables to commercial use templates; from online self-paced courses to coaching programs; from crafting templates to crafting tutorials, from parenting support memberships to consultation services… there are tons of digital products and services that can you create for your audience regardless of your business niche.
Before you start wondering “HOW to create…?”, it’s even more important to understand —
WHO are you creating the products for?
WHAT products can you create that will sell?
WHY should you be creating such a product? (Because what sells well for a competitor might not actually be a good fit for your business…even if you are in the same niche.)
WHEN is the best time to create and offer said products?
If these are questions that you haven’t considered in your product creation process, you are missing out the KEY to selling success.
If these questions make you feel overwhelmed, then what you need is a clear step-by-step system that will help you design and create a Digital Product Creation MASTER PLAN, that you can forever rely on as you grow your thriving and profitable business from strength to strength.
With a thorough understanding of your target audience, a step-by-step system to evaluate your current phase of business growth and how to determine what products to create, you will finally have your own Product Creation Strategy that not only boosts your product sales but level up your business growth!
Get instant access with a one-time fee of $397 or 4 x $100 monthly payments
Ready to stop second-guessing yourself, gain clarity and confidence on what products to create, and level up your business profitability with brilliant product creation strategies?

3P Digital Product Creation Plan is a highly comprehensive and structured program that is a business game-changer that will finally provide you with step-by-step methods from laying a strong foundation for your business to growing a thriving, profitable one through effective digital product creation strategies.
Get instant access with a one-time fee of $397 or 4 x $100 monthly payments
Here’s what you will get out of 3P Digital Product Creation Plan:
Here’s everything you get when you join 3P Digital Product Creation Plan program to help you unlock the secret to success in creating digital products that sell!

Why these 3Ps?
Because if you don’t have a clear understanding of who your target audience are, there’s no way to strategically create products that meet THEIR specific needs.
So before you ask “What products should I create”, the more important question to answer is “WHO do you serve?”
Why “PLAN”?
Because if your intention is to build a thriving business that remains profitable in the long run, you don’t just want to have a single product that sells, you want a suite of solutions that can allow your customers to GROW and, therefore, be invested in your business for the long run.
Whether you are offering crocheting templates and tutorials to help people improve their crocheting skills even as a hobby, or you are offering products to help other side hustlers build an online business, you need to have a CLEAR PLAN on helping your customers grow.
What we are trying to achieve is not just a plan to create one hot-selling product, we want to design a Digital Product Creation MASTER PLAN that remains reliable for months and years ahead to guide us to methodically and strategically create different products to serve our customers well and build a business that THRIVES and PROFITS SUSTAINABLY in the long run.
Because having a business that’s profitable is the only way it remains sustainable for us to be continually creating and selling products to our audience.
If our business is not profitable no matter how passionate we are about what we do, we will not be able to last through the various challenges and obstacles that come our way.
After all, we have bills to pay, families to raise, goals to save up for that all require M-O-N-E-Y.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with creating something you love and enjoying the process.
But the difference between a hobbyist and a profitable business owner is that the latter prioritizes creating content for their audience’s needs above their own.
In conclusion, in order to achieve the PROFITABLE business that you desire, you have to first consider your PEOPLE and make a strategic PLAN to grow your business.
I will break down the complicated process into a step-by-step system where you can learn simply, effectively, and practically apply all the strategies to your own business, no matter what niche you are in.
*Video lessons include closed captions and are accompanied with transcripts. You can also listen to the lessons through our private podcast feed.
Get instant access with a one-time fee of $397 or 4 x $100 monthly payments
Is this for you?
This is for you if:
You believe that creating and selling digital products is essential to building a business that thrives and remains profitable in the long run regardless of external market factors and wants to have a clear roadmap to achieving product creation and sale success.
This is NOT for you if:
Get instant access with a one-time fee of $397 or 4 x $100 monthly payments
See what Faith’s students have to say:
What sets this course apart from others I’ve taken are the checkpoints. Faith doesn’t just want us to learn. She wants us to implement what we’ve learned. And to help you, Faith gives you examples and templates to use so that you don’t fall into “decision paralysis”. You know exactly what to do and how to do it. For a new business owner, this is key! I’m so glad I signed up. Thank you, Faith, for sharing your expertise!
I’m also grateful for the individual time Faith spent with each of us during the Q&A session for the program. It really helped me see a path with my lead magnet and my power emails.

*Video lessons include closed captions and are accompanied with transcripts. You can also listen to the lessons through our private podcast feed.
Get instant access with a one-time fee of $397 or 4 x $100 monthly payments
Hello! I’m Faith.
And I help online entrepreneurs build a thriving business through creating and selling digital products and effective email marketing.

I believe that you don’t need a huge email list to make money. I made my first $1000 in a month with less than 500 subscribers by selling digital products that I have created from scratch. Then I made $100,000 in less than 9 months.
I also believe that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to get access to high-quality guidance and support that will tangibly help you take action and get results.
More than 16,000 students have gone through my design and online marketing courses and I have conducted over 520 business consultation sessions.
Under my guidance, my clients have created and sold their first digital products and made their first $100, $1000, and beyond in their online businesses.
My YouTube channel with dozens of detailed and highly-raved Canva tutorials ranks amongst Top 2% in terms of subscriber numbers.
I love coffee and all things pink. When I’m not creating content or coaching, you will find me hitting the bags at the gym doing Muay Thai, holding private concerts (in my room) singing along with Adele, Lady Gaga, and Kelly Clarkson.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know this program is right for me?
If you have been struggling with your product sales, wondering what new products you should create that will sell, or simply wish there’s a secret formula to creating one hot-seller after another…3P Digital Product Creation Plan program will unravel the secrets for you!
It can feel like a huge undertaking to learn AND apply so that you can create your very own Digital Product Creation MASTER PLAN. This is why I have created a pop-up Facebook group to keep you accountable with your learning progress as well as you provide you with guidance and support should you have questions along the way.
How big does my audience need to be in order to be successful with implementing the strategies taught in this program?
There is no minimum email list requirement to join 3P Digital Product Creation Plan.
However, if you already have an existing subscriber list, it will give you the advantage of being able to apply what you have learned almost right away because you can start surveying your audience and selling your newly created products to them.
What shopping cart should I use?
3P Digital Product Creation Plan does not include any tech lessons on setting up shopping carts. I have personally used and would recommend ThriveCart, aMember Pro, and SendOwl. You will see my entire list of tech stack that I use for my business inside the program.
You might want to decide on WHAT products you want to create before you invest in an expensive shopping cart because different shopping carts have different features. For example, if you want to sell courses, I would recommend using ThriveCart instead of aMember Pro. But the important question is to also ask yourself — Are you ready to sell courses if you haven’t sold any other simpler digital products before?
This is where the 4 F.R.E.A phases of businss growth come into play. When you understand what phase you are in, you will have a clear strategy of WHAT products to create and WHEN to create them.
So if you still haven’t gotten any shopping carts yet but are keen on learning all about solidifying your business foundation and developing a clear product creation strategy, 3P Digital Product Creation Plan will help you!
My niche is “(fill in the blank)“. Will I be able to benefit from this program?
Absolutely! The strategies taught inside 3P Digital Product Creation Plan can be applied to any niche.
There are even lessons on pricing strategies for different types of products — personal use printables, PLR products, courses, coaching and service-based services — all applicable for any niche.
I haven’t created any digital products before. Can I still take this program?
Absolutely! As long as you intend to create digital products and believe that creating and selling your own digital products is essential in helping you building a profitable business, then 3P Digital Product Creation Plan is perfect for you!
In fact, this will help you lay a strong foundation and save you from spending unproductive time wondering what products to create and avoid mistakes that other content creators commonly make because they don’t have a strong foundation to begin with.
Will you be teaching me how to create certain digital products?
No. The “how to create xxx products” isn’t an objective of 3P Digital Product Creation Plan.
What you want to do is to cement your business foundation with a clear understanding of who your target audience is, designing your business’ unique Customer Growth Journey and strategizing a Digital Product Creation plan, all of which will be applicable to any business niche.
There is no way to teach you how to create all sorts of digital products for all niches in a single program.
But I’d strongly encourage you to first solidifying your business foundation and have a clear strategy of WHAT products to create that will best fit your audience AND be profitable for your business before you dive into learning specific techniques and skills about creating the products that you want to sell.
Can you guarantee that my product sales will increase after going through this program?
I would be lying if I tell you I guarantee that you will make x number of sales after going through my program. I run an honest online business and I am deeply committed to helping my clients achieve success through my courses and coaching programs. However, whether or not you will actually see an increase in your product sales is determined by many factors, including but not limited to the following —
- how well you understand your target audience and have narrowed down their problems
- how well you have designed your Customer Growth Journey
- how good a fit your product solution is to your audience’s needs/problems
- the quality of the products that you have created
- the amount of value you provide in your products
- your marketing strategies
What I can guarantee you is my 100% commitment in providing you with a step-by-step fuss-free method that you can pick up and implement in 4 to 12 weeks.
How long will it take to complete the entire program?
If you make completing 3P Digital Product Creation Plan a priority, you can probably complete all the lessons and tasks in 2 weeks.
But realistically speaking, if you spend 1 to 2 hours every day learning and doing the tasks, it will take you about 6 weeks to complete the entire program. This would be the pace that I’d recommend because 3P Digital Product Creation Plan program WILL change the way you make decisions on what products to creation and when to create them and you’d want to experience this transformation sooner than later.
However, I understand you may have many responsibilities and tasks going on so even if you take a much slower pace, you should aim to complete the entire program in 12 weeks.
If I have an Etsy shop but no website, can this program still help me?
Yes but ONLY IF you intend to have your own website and/or shopping cart to sell your digital products outside of Etsy. Why? Because having your own website gives you the power to price your products more strategically based on the time and effort you put in as well as according to the understanding of your audience. Etsy is such a competitive market place that many vendors seem to feel “forced” to lower their prices just to be visible and to remain competitive but it causes them to suffer in terms of profitability.
Email marketing will also help you grow in product sales and profitability as you nurture the relationship with your audience. This is a big part of running your own site but not something Etsy shop owners may be particularly concerned about.
In short, the strategies for running an Etsy shop is very different from building an online business where you have your own site, not at the mercy of the marketplace ‘landlord’. Therefore, if you intend to build your own site and grow your own email is as part of growing your online business, this program will be perfect for you.
If I have fewer than 100 subscribers on my email list, am I still suitable for the program?
There is not minimum email list requirement to join 3P Digital Product Creation Plan.
However, if you already have an existing subscriber list, it will give you the advantage of being able to apply what you have learned almost right away because you can start surveying your audience and selling your newly created products to them.
I have more than 1000 email subscribers on my list and I already have experience with creating and selling digital products. Is this program too basic for me?
Not at all! In fact, it will be HUGELY beneficial for you because if you want to expand your business and have an income breakthrough, you want to be more strategic in deciding what products to create, when to create them, and how to expand your Customer Growth Journey to increase customer retention in your business!
What if I don’t like the program?
Due to the digital nature of the program (video lessons) and my time commitment to the pop-up Facebook group, there will be no returns or refunds.
What I can guarantee you is my 100% commitment in providing you with a step-by-step fuss-free method that you can pick up and implement in just 4 to 12 weeks.
When is the program happening?
3P Digital Product Creation Plan is a self-study program but we will have a pop-up Facebook group for additional support and guidance for our first intake of students from August to October 2024. You will get instant access to the course once payment is complete.
My question isn’t here…
If you have questions not answered above, please send an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Are you finally ready to gain confidence and clarity of having a clear system that will help you decide WHAT products to create, WHY you should create them, and WHEN best to create them so that you have a solid game plan on how to continually grow your business?
Sign up for 3P Digital Product Creation Plan today and kickstart your business TRANSFORMATION now!

*Video lessons include closed captions and are accompanied with transcripts. You can also listen to the lessons through our private podcast feed.