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Here’s a ONE-TIME ONLY special offer bundle of BUSINESS SUCCESS SECRETS for you!

Would you like to learn the real behind-the-scene struggles and secrets to success from a mompreneur who built a 6-figure online business while caring for three young children? Here are 3 courses where Faith tells it all!

75% discount on this page only!

Busy Less, Work Smart, Earn More (Usual $47)

In this training, Faith will show you how she schedules her work day, organizes her business tasks, how she works an average of 5 hours a day and earns a monthly 5-figure income, her steps to creating products, courses, and tips on affiliate marketing.

Course 2: Journey To 6 Figures (Usual $97)

This training will reveal the 20 secrets to how Faith built a 6-figure online business in less than 9 months with actionable tips that you can apply to building a thriving online business!

Course 3: 7 Surefire Ways To Increase Subscriber Engagement (Usual $47)

Just last week, Faith contributed to Elizabeth Goddard’s Christmas Party along with 200+ other content creators who also promoted for the Premium Goody Bag. At the end of the one-week promotion, Faith rose from rank 75th on the affiliate leaderboard and finished in 14th position!

In September, Faith was ranked 10th on the Ultimate Bundles’ Genius Bloggers Toolkit 2021 affiliate leaderboard in terms of sales, amongst some of the biggest names in the blogging scene with tens of thousands of subscribers on their email lists.

On top of that, Faith was the TOP CONVERTER for the same promotion, which means that based on the number of customers whom Faith has directed to the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit 2021 sales page, the percentage of people actually buying the toolkit was the highest!

Keep in mind that Faith only promoted the GBTK to a segment of her list which has fewer than 3500 subscribers!

And all this was done through ENGAGING email marketing efforts.

In this 7 Surefire Ways To Increase Subscriber Engagement, Faith will share with you the 7 essential steps you need to master email marketing and convert your subscribers into raving fans! Nope. You don’t need a huge list. Faith shows you with exact steps and statistics on how she earns an average of $13 in business revenue per subscriber with fewer than 1500 subscribers!

On this page only, get ALL 3 power-packed courses for just the price of ONE! (75% discount)

Usual $191

Meet your coach

faith lee profile pic

Faith is a mom of 3 and has been blogging since early 2018. She has built an online business from scratch that is now generating 5-figure revenue every month selling PLR printables and courses as well as coaching programs.

Her main passion is coaching other aspiring entrepreneurs so that they, too, can build a thriving online business to achieve their financial goals.

Faith has almost 20 years of experience as a private tutor. Coupled that with her business experience and design expertise, she is in the best position to coach you and help you build an online business to achieve your financial goals!

More than 4000 clients have learned from Faith through her design and online marketing courses and business coaching programs. Join them today!

What you NEED to know today:

You DO NOT need tens of thousands of subscribers to build a 6-figure online business.
You DO NOT need to sell expensive products at hundreds of dollars each to earn thousands of dollars a month.
You CAN build a decent monthly online income even with just several hundreds of subscribers on your list.
As much as Pinterest is a great way to drive organic traffic to your website, having an ENGAGED email list is 100 times more powerful in building your online business and lining your pockets!
You DO NOT need to spend thousands of dollars to learn from a 6-figure online entrepreneur because Faith is dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs build their online business in a step-by-step way with value-packed courses AND pocket-friendly investments for FAST-ACTION TAKERS!
The 3-course Small But Mighty Power Bundle will give you great insights to all of the above!!

Let Small But Mighty Power Bundle give you a clearer pathway to greater business success in 2022!

On this page only, get ALL 3 power-packed courses for just the price of ONE! (75% discount)

Usual $191

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