Want a quick and easy way to make money online?
How about selling printables!
Here are some of the printables that I sell on my website and on Etsy.

Thousands of printables have have been sold in my shop in since 2019 and now you can do the same!
You don’t have to be a designer to sell beautiful printables.
Grab these Private Label Rights (PLR) printables that grant you full commercial rights to sell them!
Simply upload these done-for-you printables to Etsy, Shopify, or your own website and sell them right away!
An incredibly simple and fast way to make money online!
From non-designer to professional content creator

Hello! I’m Faith.
I’m a mom of three and I have been blogging since early 2018.
Back then, I totally didn’t know how to create printables and I most certainly wouldn’t call myself a designer at all!
But after taking some courses and creating hundreds of planners and printable activities myself, I am now highly proficient in creating printables using Photoshop Elements, Canva, and PowerPoint!
The best part about creating and selling printables is that it generates passive income for me.
I have thousands of customers worldwide and I especially love waking up to seeing new sales notifications in my email inbox in the morning!
Now, I want to help YOU do the same.
You can skip the learning and hours of creating and jump right into selling printables and creating a passive online income stream!
YES. It’s that easy.
Don’t worry about being a complete beginner, I will provide you with tutorial videos to walk you through step by step so that you know how to start selling these PLR printables in less than 30 minutes.
I have over 5600 happy customers who have purchased my PLR printables and I have also taught over 4000 students through my design and marketing courses to help these aspiring entrepreneurs hone their skills and grow their online businesses!
To get you started, your first PLR product is on me.
Get the Landscape Floral Calendar 2022 Canva Templates for FREE!

If you are ready to start selling printables as an additional income stream, let us kickstart your new business by signing up for…