From now until 31 December 2023, grab Faith’s detailed, step-by-step, and incredibly value-packed courses and enjoy up to 70% savings on each of them!

Over 11,000 students have taken Faith’s courses. Join them today!

Please kindly be reminded to input the stated coupon code at checkout to enjoy the discount. There will be no returns or refunds. All sales are final.

You are recommended to log in here to your ThriveCart account to check if you already have any of the following courses before making your purchase.

Online Marketing Courses

email marketing kickstart

Usual $47

60% OFF with code EOY60

7 surefire ways to increase subscriber engagement

Usual $47

70% OFF with code EOY70

email marketing 101

Usual $67

60% OFF with code EOY60

affiliate marketing 101 banner

Usual $67

60% OFF with code EOY60

Design Courses

digital papers masterclass

Usual $127

60% OFF with code EOY60

digital planners masterclass

Usual $197

70% OFF with code EOY70

pretty printable masterclass

Usual $197

70% OFF with code EOY70

using digital papers in affinity publisher

Usual $27

70% OFF with code EOY70

sell printables on Etsy in a weekend

Usual $197

70% OFF with code EOY70

create kids printables in canva

Usual $197

70% OFF with code EOY70

Design Q&A With Faith: Using Commercial Use Graphics

Usual $37

70% OFF with code EOY70

Business Development

planning for 2023 banner

Usual $97

70% OFF with code EOY70

grow your biz with lead magnets banner

Usual $67

60% OFF with code EOY60

building a profitable PLR biz banner

Usual $197

50% OFF with code EOY50

bundle contributions 101 banner

Usual $67

60% OFF with code EOY60

bundle behind the scenes

Usual $67

60% OFF with code EOY60

content planning and inspiration banner

Usual $67

60% OFF with code EOY60

journey to 6 figures

Usual $97

60% OFF with code EOY60

busy less work smart earn more

Usual $67

70% OFF with code EOY70

Tech Courses

amember pro kickstart banner

Usual $47

50% OFF with code EOY50

create landing pages in wordpress

Usual $67

60% OFF with code EOY60

video creation 101

Usual $197

50% OFF with code EOY50

Don’t miss this limited time promotion to grab these value-packed courses at a pocket-friendly price!

Hello! I’m Faith.

I am an online business coach and I help online entrepreneurs build a thriving business through selling easy-to-create digital products and effective sleaze-free email marketing to achieve their financial goals.

faith lee profile pic with grey bg

I believe that you don’t need a huge email list to make money. I made my first $1000 in a month with less than 500 subscribers by selling digital products that I have created from scratch. Then I made $100,000 in less than 9 months.

I also believe that you don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to get access to high-quality guidance and support that will tangibly help you take action and get results.

More than 17,000 students have gone through my design and online marketing courses and I have conducted over 600 1:1 business consultation sessions. Under my guidance, my clients have created and sold their first digital products and made their first $100, $1000, and beyond in their online businesses.

My YouTube channel that has dozens of Canva design tutorials ranks top 2% in terms of subscriber numbers.